Revolutionary Girl Blog

Methodology, Philosophy,  and Culture in General 0

Methodology, Philosophy, and Culture in General

In philosophy culture refers to what is different, that is, what is in the order of the acquired and not the innate. Culture has long been regarded as a characteristic feature of humanity, which...

The Consciousness of the Unconscious 0

The Consciousness of the Unconscious

As an emigrant to the US (I am Mexican-American) I have faced a lot of misconceptions. Factors like these can have an unfortunate influence on who we are if we simply accept them without...

Acknowledging the Influence Of Music and Lifestyle 0

Acknowledging the Influence Of Music and Lifestyle

My daughter is studying to music and she was sharing some fascinating topics that she learned in school. And yes it is music related. Today, music is consumed by almost all youth after a...

Mexico to Cancel U.S. Customs Taxes 0

Mexico to Cancel U.S. Customs Taxes

Mexico is on the offensive to cancel U.S. customs taxes. Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Luis Ebrard Casaubón in Washington today, 2019. A major Mexican delegation launched an offensive in the United States on Monday...