A Quaker Oats Quicky

I know a lot of people hate oats but I think it depends on how they are prepared.

One of my favorite morning quicky oats is vanilla porridge. There's nothing like a good start to the day. And I know the perfect one that is ideal for a morning without cravings.

What you want when you need some lasting energy over the morning and as we know it's important to have a good breakfast. But I also enjoy food that tastes good and a lot of people look at me like I am crazy when I say Quaker Oats. I think that I'm the only one in the family that eats Quaker Oats. But I am also full and do not get tired!

With this simple recipe, you won't have mid morning cravings and it's really quick to do!

For 1 bowl, we need:

  1. A cup of milk/soy milk also works well
  2. Half a vanilla bean (or organic vanilla powder)
  3. 5 tablespoons oats, brand is irrelevant
  4. 1 tablespoon agave syrup

Then pour the milk into a saucepan, add the oats and heat for about 5 minutes, until desired consistency. You can also heat it in the bowl in a microwave but I like the way this method tastes better.

Add agave syrup at the last moment. Mix well and pour into a bowl.

Breakfast is served.

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